[VHFcontesting] OMG

N1BUG paul at n1bug.com
Mon Jul 23 17:04:04 EDT 2018

Maybe that's the difference. I believe others would tell the same
story. I recall K1TOL running Europeans with grids rarely exchanged
- hence he was often trying to track down grids for stations worked
after the fact.

Given that when the band was open enough to run large numbers of
stations most Europeans were not interested in exchanging grids on
CW, I don't think it would be much of a stretch to think many of
them may not want to bother with grids on FT8.


On 07/23/2018 12:41 PM, Keith Morehouse wrote:
> Yes - really.
> All I can suggest is that they didn't care what your grid square was, since
> you are in the 1st call area, which on 6M, might as well be a suburb of EU
> :) j/k
> In W9 land, they certainly wanted to know.  Probably because we didn't work
> 'many hundreds of Europeans' in a lifetime.
> -W9RM
> Keith J Morehouse
> Managing Partner
> Calmesa Partners G.P.
> Olathe, CO
> On Mon, Jul 23, 2018 at 10:20 AM, N1BUG <paul at n1bug.com> wrote:
>> On 07/23/2018 11:49 AM, Keith Morehouse wrote:
>>> The other day, there was a big 6M op from EU on one of the chat pages,
>>> advocating NOT using contest mode, because, he said, the European ops
>>> didn't want to be bothered with grids during a big opening.  This is
>>> ludicrous - anyone who has been around for a while, who used to work 6M
>> DX
>>> on SSB or CW, knows that your typical EU op would have had a fit if you
>>> didn't give him your grid.
>> Really? I have many hundreds of European stations in my log on 6
>> meter CW over more than a ten year period without grids. Most of the
>> time the exchange was call sign, RST report, R, 73. This is what
>> most of the European operators expected. I would say things were a
>> little more 'grid-centric' on SSB but I rarely operated that mode
>> during openings to Europe.
>> Paul N1BUG

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