[VHFcontesting] KM4KMU FM08JL FM Category: Give me a call

nosigma at aol.com nosigma at aol.com
Thu Sep 6 22:45:27 EDT 2018

I will be working this weekend from FM08JL in central Va out of the National Radio Quiet Zone (with permission).  4400ft ASL, 100w and 12ft beams on the four lower bands.  Calling CQ on 146.520. QSY from there.  I will be happy to go SSB on any band we cant make an FM exchange on.
Primary Freqs:52.525146.520223.5 (FM only on 1.25m)446.0
My reliable demonstrated range is 235 miles on 2m and 1.25m FM.  With my new 70cm mast mounted pre amp (adds 5 S units on Rx) I hope that 70cm will now be able to hear out to 200mi plus on FM.

If you are in any of the following grids please listen for me or give me a call.
FM07, FM08, FM09, FN00, FN10FM19, FM18, FM17,Northern FM06Western FM29 & FM29SW FN20Eastern EN90, EM99, EM98 and EM97North Eastern EM96Southern FN01 but you need to be high up on a southern facing overlook (done it twice)
My beams are at 45 degrees and tuned FLAT across the bands so normal SSB freqs are no problem. We can run FM on the lower freqs where its normally only SSB (yeah I checked, its OK) so your SSB tuned beams and amps are not a problem, I will come to your preferred frequency for a QSY exchange (FM or SSB).
When it gets stupid slow late Saturday or Sunday afternoon call CQ on FM.  Better yet lets set up a sched.  I will have email until late Friday night but only text Saturday and Sunday (the price I pay for being in the NRQZ).  
Email:  Nosigma at aol.comSMS: 703 678 6795.
73Good LuckJohnKM4KMU

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