[VHFcontesting] 1296 Digital

John Kludt johnnykludt at gmail.com
Tue Jan 15 07:02:55 EST 2019


W4NH will be on all bands 6m to 70cm and 1296 from EM84ao for the January
contest.  On 1296 we will be running 100 - 150 watts into a pair of 45
element loop Yagi's at 30 feet.  We view the January contest in particular
as a time to try out new things.  We would like to give one or more of the
digital modes a go on 1296.  For terrestrial work what are the current
modes of choice and frequencies for same?  We will be using WSJT-X Version
2 so any of the modes supported by that application are fair game.

Activity is a bit sparse down here in the Southeast so there hasn't been a
large opportunity to practice.  What are your thoughts?

Tnx and see you in the contest,

Johnny K4SQC

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