January 2019 Archives by date
Starting: Tue Jan 1 22:18:51 EST 2019
Ending: Wed Jan 30 12:17:50 EST 2019
Messages: 78
- [VHFcontesting] [VHF] [FFMA] 220v portable generator
- [VHFcontesting] A rough week of prep for January
nosigma at aol.com
- [VHFcontesting] FM27
- [VHFcontesting] Mirage B108
Herb Krumich
- [VHFcontesting] SSB & FM Testing Tonight: FM18ML McLean Va (DC area)
nosigma at aol.com
- [VHFcontesting] SSB & FM Testing Tonight: FM18ML McLean Va (DC area)
nosigma at aol.com
- [VHFcontesting] [VHF] [FFMA] 220v portable generator
Mike (KA5CVH) Urich
- [VHFcontesting] [VHF] [FFMA] 220v portable generator
- [VHFcontesting] NF System for sale
Terry Price
- [VHFcontesting] KM4KMU January VHF UHF Contest FM (and SSB)
nosigma at aol.com
- [VHFcontesting] KM4KMU January VHF UHF Contest FM (and SSB)
Chuck Gress
- [VHFcontesting] KM4KMU January VHF UHF Contest FM (and SSB)
nosigma at aol.com
- [VHFcontesting] KM4KMU January VHF UHF Contest FM (and SSB)
nosigma at aol.com
- [VHFcontesting] FT 8, in the Southeast
Buddy Morgan
- [VHFcontesting] FS: Yaesu FT100D HF/VHF/UHF transceiver-for the January contest!
John Geiger
- [VHFcontesting] One more Yaesu FT100D HF/VHF/UHF all mode radio
John Geiger
- [VHFcontesting] K5ND/R in January Contest
James Wilson
- [VHFcontesting] 1296 Digital
John Kludt
- [VHFcontesting] 1296 Digital
Buddy Morgan
- [VHFcontesting] FT8 contest frequencies for 144, 222, 432, 1296
Jamie Dupree
- [VHFcontesting] FT8 contest frequencies for 144, 222, 432, 1296
Buddy Morgan
- [VHFcontesting] DE KE1LI de FN41AU
Paul Rollinson
- [VHFcontesting] 1296 Digital
Al Wells
- [VHFcontesting] 1296 Digital
Mark Spencer
- [VHFcontesting] FT8 contest frequencies for 144, 222, 432, 1296
barry at k7bwh.com
- [VHFcontesting] FT8 contest frequencies for 144, 222, 432, 1296
James C
- [VHFcontesting] FT8 contest frequencies for 144, 222, 432, 1296
Buddy Morgan
- [VHFcontesting] FT8 contest frequencies for 144, 222, 432, 1296
Ron Klimas WZ1V
- [VHFcontesting] FT8 contest frequencies for 144, 222, 432, 1296
Buddy Morgan
- [VHFcontesting] FT8 contest frequencies for 144, 222, 432, 1296
Mark Spencer
- [VHFcontesting] KM4KMU (FM Category) shifting operating locations for contest
nosigma at aol.com
- [VHFcontesting] NE/KS Rover KB0ZOM
Ben S
- [VHFcontesting] Good Test of WSJT 2.0 in NA VHF Contest mode
Tim Goeppinger
- [VHFcontesting] Beko HLV-550 432 MHz Amplifier ebay
Ham Radio
- [VHFcontesting] VE3OIL/r January Plan
russell beech
- [VHFcontesting] Working K5QE in the Jan VHF contest...
- [VHFcontesting] N3NGE QRV in January Contest
Bill Shaw
- [VHFcontesting] N7GP/R January Contest ROVER PLANS
wa8wzg at wa8wzg.net
- [VHFcontesting] Keeping ice and snow off of antennas /R, /P
nosigma at aol.com
- [VHFcontesting] ARRL's Jan. VHF Contest Finally Arrives!; Hours: Sat 11AM - Sunday 8PM
peter h
- [VHFcontesting] Tohtsu CX520-D
Herb Krumich
- [VHFcontesting] wsjt-x v2 to N1mm+ reporting
Paul Rollinson
- [VHFcontesting] NU2H limited rover for VHF contest
Jay Thompson
- [VHFcontesting] wsjt-x v2 to N1mm+ reporting
Chuck Gress
- [VHFcontesting] wsjt-x v2 to N1mm+ reporting
- [VHFcontesting] wsjt-x v2 to N1mm+ reporting
Peter Laws
- [VHFcontesting] Coaxial Dynamics Slug 2.5 kw 100-250
Herb Krumich
- [VHFcontesting] wsjt-x v2 to N1mm+ reporting
- [VHFcontesting] KF2MR/R Plans for Contest - Maybe
Jarred Jackson
- [VHFcontesting] KF2MR/R Plans for Contest - Maybe
Jay Thompson
- [VHFcontesting] N6ZE/R On Sat: DM04, DM03, + DM13? For January VHF Contest
peter h
- [VHFcontesting] Keeping ice and snow off of antennas /R, /P: doesn't work!!
nosigma at aol.com
- [VHFcontesting] n6ze/r on sat
peter h
- [VHFcontesting] N6ZE/R On Sunday: DM04, DM14, DM15, DM05? Of January VHF Contest
peter h
- [VHFcontesting] N6ZE/R Ops In Thousand Oaks: LAst Hour Of VHF Contest Tonight
peter h
- [VHFcontesting] test
Roger Rehr W3SZ
- [VHFcontesting] FW: ARRL Jan VHF N8RA Single Op LP
Chet S
- [VHFcontesting] ARRL Jan VHF results
Ron Klimas WZ1V
- [VHFcontesting] ARRL Jan VHF KR1ST SO 3Band LP
- [VHFcontesting] Jim - NW7O - Now a SK
K7XC Tim Marek
- [VHFcontesting] Jim - NW7O - Now a SK
Bruce Kripton
- [VHFcontesting] wsjt-x v2 to N1mm+ reporting
- [VHFcontesting] w8spm Aluma Tower Trailer TM-12 for sale
jon jones
- [VHFcontesting] Jim - NW7O - Now a SK
jon jones
- [VHFcontesting] MFJ verions of G0KSC LFA's
Byron Tatum
- [VHFcontesting] Jim - NW7O - Now a SK
- [VHFcontesting] Jim - NW7O - Now a SK
- [VHFcontesting] Jim - NW7O - Now a SK
Dale Peterson
- [VHFcontesting] Jim - NW7O - Now a SK
jon jones
- [VHFcontesting] FT 8 Night in Florida
Buddy Morgan
- [VHFcontesting] Transverter 144 mhz FS
Herb Krumich
- [VHFcontesting] MFJ verions of G0KSC LFA's
Walter Miller, AJ6T
- [VHFcontesting] MFJ verions of G0KSC LFA's
RT Clay
- [VHFcontesting] MFJ verions of G0KSC LFA's
Zack Widup
- [VHFcontesting] MFJ verions of G0KSC LFA's
Walter Miller, AJ6T
- [VHFcontesting] MFJ verions of G0KSC LFA's
Zack Widup
- [VHFcontesting] Pictures and stories about January VHF contest
- [VHFcontesting] MFJ verions of G0KSC LFA's
Bill Olson
Last message date:
Wed Jan 30 12:17:50 EST 2019
Archived on: Wed Jan 30 12:18:04 EST 2019
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).