[VHFcontesting] VE3OIL/r January Plan

russell beech rbeech2002 at yahoo.ca
Wed Jan 16 23:53:28 EST 2019

I am planning to rove this weekend. The forecast is for snow and cold; the transits could be interesting and some of the primary sites are on the secondary ploughing routes.  I may have to operate from sites of convenience in the vicinity.
I will have gear on all bands from 50 MHz to 10 GHz.and be FM capable on all bands.
My planned route is:
SaturdayFN03tw  1900 1940FN13ax  2010 2130FN14ba  2230 2430
SundayFN04xa  0130 0400FN02ax  1420 1540EN93oc  1940 2120EN92fn  2230 2430
MondayEN82ud  0200 0400
I call CQ on 144.237 as much as practical.  Skeds are welcome, please e-mail ve3oil at rac.ca and I will return a list of suggestions for your consideration.
73Russell VE3OIL/r

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