[VHFcontesting] VHF/UHF items for sale-delivery to CSVHF available

John Geiger af5cc2 at gmail.com
Sat Jul 20 13:45:30 EDT 2019

I have several different VHF/UHF radios, and some accesories for sale.
They can be delivered to the Central States VHF conference next week in
Lincoln.  These items all belong to Don, AC5D (ex. NL7CO).  Don't worry,
Don is not a SK, I am just helping him to clear out some extra items he
has.   Here is what I have available:

1. Downeast Microwave 2 meter transverter model L144-28HP.  This is brand
new, and come with the power cord, and an interface cable.  This model does
50 watts out and is set up for -10dbm input power, so it can be used with
the transverter jack on many radios.  It has a fan on top as well to cool
down the heat sink.  Great way to had 2 meters to your high performing
HF/6m rig.  Asking $400

2. Kenwood TM255A 2 meter all mode radio. One of the best 2 meter all modes
ever built.  It comes with a power cord and hand mic.  Does 45 watts on
high power.  The lock holding the face plate on has broken, so it will need
to be attached with some tape if you don't plan on remote mounting the
face.  The SWR foldback is pretty aggressive in this radio.  Puts out full
power if it likes your SWR, cuts back power as SWR starts to rise.  Asking

3. Kenwood TM742 2m/220mhz/70cm triband radio.  Does triband receive as
well.  It comes with a mic and short power cord terminated in power poles.
Great way to add 222mhz FM to your contest station and also monitor 2m and
70cm simplex frequencies for extra QSOs.  Asking $325.

4.  Kenwood TM331 222mhz FM rig.  Does 25 watts on 222mhz, great for extra
multipliers in the VHF contests.  Comes with hand mic and power cord.
Asking $130.

5. Flex 1500 HF/6m SDR.  New, taken out of the box but never used.  Makes a
great IF for transverters as well.  Comes with a cable to hard key a
transverter or amp, and a USB cable to hook to the computer.  Asking $350.

Here are a few other VHF related items I have for sale as well:

1. Dunestar 300-50 6 meter bandpass filter.  Rated at 200 watts PEP.  Good
way to cut down on our of band interference on 6m, or you can use it to
prevent TVI or RFI from your 6 meter transceiver.  Asking $50.

2. Mirage BD-35 dualband amp.  5 watts in puts out 45 watts on 2m and 35
watts on 70cm.  Boost your power from your FT817 or HT rig.  These sell new
for $260, asking $140.  This one is like new with a coax jumper, box,
manual and power cord.

3. JFW 6db antennuator model 50FHAO-006-100.  Covers 0-3000mhz and is rated
at 100 watts.  Good if you need to cut down your power to drive an amp or
transverter.  Come with N connectors on it and is round in shape.  Asking

4. Daiwa CN-101L 1.80-150mhz power/SWR meter.  Reads up to 1.5kw.  Comes
with the box and a power cable so it will read PEP power.  Does have a
square piece of velcro on the top and box sides of it.  Asking $55.

These items can be shipped also.  I can take paypal/check/MO/cash for
items.  As stated earlier, Don, AC5D is going to the CSVHF conference next
weekend and can deliver them there.  I am going to the Oklahoma City
hamfest next weekend and can deliver them there also.

73 John W5TD (ex AF5CC)

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