[VHFcontesting] W7TZ and the contest

Roger - W7TZ ai7rogerroger at gmail.com
Tue Sep 17 13:29:21 EDT 2019

I'm in Douglas County Oregon, CN82/83. They call it the "One Hundred
Valleys of the Umpqua" for a reason. High spots are far and few between and
difficult to get to for one old man and a mountain top setup that would
make a lot of vhf ops  envious. There is no population of active contesters
within 100 miles.
6m 5el 500w all mode
2m 2x10el 220w all mode
1.25m 13el 140w all mode
70cm 2x12el 150w all mode
6m fluctuated in and out but was active for most of the contest on FT8 and
an occasional SSB/CW. I learned after the fact that I was FMing, and that
was embarrassing to find out.
2m was a let down. I caught a couple of FM'ers, not a single SSB Q and only
a couple FT8.
70cm was very disappointing. Nothing, nowhere, any mode.
1.25m was showing promise. I heard some qso's, saw no digital activity, and
then something failed.
There was some 6m ms activity, but not enough to help my efforts.
It rained "hard" Saturday night into Sunday afternoon making my armstrong
rotator slow down significantly.
Bottom line: 40 contacts, 18 grids, equals 720 pts. Not bad for September.

73, Roger
Grid Busters


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