[VHFcontesting] Digital and VHF contests

Mike Smith VE9AA ve9aa at nbnet.nb.ca
Thu Sep 19 09:44:59 EDT 2019

You won't find me on FT(#).ever.

It's the exact opposite of why I like to contest on VHF, and generally just
get on VHF.


I like to say Hi to Paul(N1BUG), the crew @ W2SZ/1, Dave/K1WHS in FN43 etc

even if that means listening to their CW and sending a quick "dit dit" or a
"Hi Paul, here is FN66"

(ie: literally 1 extra second for VHF contest QSO's that only take 5-10
seconds anyways.


I can very much appreciate a lot of folks like FT-whatever, but it does
nothing for me.


Each to his own I guess.  My interest in VHF contesting (and 6m DXing) is at
an all time low.

(and I've been at it a long time!)


Mike VE9AA FN66

Keswick Ridge, NB


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