[VHFcontesting] VHFcontesting Digest, Vol 201, Issue 23

N1BUG paul at n1bug.com
Tue Sep 24 13:31:17 EDT 2019


I guess it is a matter of perspective. There is NO way I will ever
win a contest. I am too far removed from the centers of activity and
struggling to find QSOs. Also I am not doing contests to compete.
There is so little activity any other time I use contests to make
QSOs so that my equipment serves some purpose other than dust
collection. In the past I have been lazy and didn't submit logs. I'm
trying to do better now only because I think we need to show that we
are using our bands and every little bit may help.

I'm fighting geography and QRM. I'm reasonably far outside the NE
corridor looking in. Virtually all of my QSOs will come from the
corridor but my signal will mostly be weak there. It's not easy but
that's why I do VHF -- because it's not easy!

Paul N1BUG

On 9/23/19 12:26 PM, Roger - W7TZ wrote:
> Paul,
> I very much agree with the majority of your thoughts. Although it's a
> different world out here in the pacific northwest where I have to overcome
> geography instead of QRM. One thing I do disagree on is your statement,
> "I'm not your competition.". Yes, you are competition. If not for
> competition, there is no contest.
> 73, Roger
> W7TZ
> CN83ia
> Grid Busters
> w7tz.webs.com

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