[VHFcontesting] VHF Contest Stations

N1BUG paul at n1bug.com
Wed Sep 25 17:26:29 EDT 2019

I'm obviously out of range of you 5 landers but I am guilty of this
too. It is my intention to be regularly active eventually. I just
started getting back into V/UHF three years ago and the station has
been in a rapid state of evolution with some growing pains here and
there. Actually I can't believe how far it has come. I now have a
station that far surpasses anything I had before with more big
improvements coming soon. This summer I've been pushed to my limit
with critically needed home repair projects and haven't had energy
for anything else. If all goes well, next summer promises to be more
of the same. After that I should finally be able to settle into a
more-or-less routine and have more energy for getting on the air.
Not to mention a more comfortable and less chore intensive daily
lifestyle than I am used to which should further help. Something to
look forward to!

Paul N1BUG

On 9/25/19 4:00 PM, Marshall-K5QE wrote:
> HI Byron....there is no question that I am guilty of this.  I
> just don't have the energy to get on the air much.  My home
> station is down right now and I just don't have the "go power" to
> drive up to the contest station and operate.  When I first moved
> to Hemphill, I got on the air every night day after day.  But
> finally, activity died out and so did I.
> I need to get the home station up and running.  The 6M antenna
> needs to be replaced as the SWR on that antenna is way above 3:1.
> I just can't see to get the antenna guy over to do it....
> I can be available on a schedule basis for anyone that needs TX
> on 6M thru 432.  Question:  Is there anyone out there that still
> needs TX??
> 73 Marshall K5QE
> On 9/24/2019 11:33 PM, Byron Tatum wrote:
>> I am going to stick my neck way out there and have it probably
>> end up on the chopping block, but I would like to say one thing
>> to folks possessing nice VHF contest stations. If you don't
>> already get on the bands on a regular basis please try to get
>> on more regularly and provide contacts for us operators that
>> are in there day in/day out, looking around for contacts and
>> doing weak signal work. It sure would be nice to have you on
>> the bands more than just a few times every year.   Byron W5FH

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