[VHFcontesting] FS: 2 meter transverter and amplifier

John Geiger af5cc2 at gmail.com
Sat Dec 26 13:33:58 EST 2020

 I have for sale a Ten Tec 2 meter transverter than uses a 10 meter IF.  Up
to 20 watts on 10 meters in produces 10 watts out on 2 meters, and you get
to use all of the features of your HF radio on 2 meters!  It uses RF sensed
switching as well, so you don't need to worry about having to hook up a PTT
control line to the transverter.

It also comes with a VHF Engineering 2 meter all mode amplifier.  10 watts
in on the amplifier produces 70 watts out.  Mates perfectly with the Ten
Tec transverter to produce a 70 watt 2 meter all mode station.

I am asking $160 shipped for both items.  I can take paypal/check/MO.

73 John AF5CC

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