[VHFcontesting] FN51 Jan VHF

Ed K1EP k1ep.list at gmail.com
Sun Jan 12 06:36:28 EST 2020

We will be QRV on 6M, 2M, and 70cm from FN51 at the Wellfleet Marconi site
*(FN51av)* next weekend for the ARRL VHF contest. We will be operating
rover style and have small directional antennas that won't be that high, so
make sure you swing your beams out towards us. We will run LP and will have
SSB, CW, and WSJT-X. We will probably concentrate more on weak signal modes
unless there is a lot of phone activity that we can hear!  We will use the
call *KM1CC* as it is the Marconi anniversary that weekend. We will be QRT
after 0100Z and will not be back on until Sunday morning per terms of our
permit (and it gets really cold out there at night!).

Work us!

Spot us!

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