[VHFcontesting] VHF Contest Rove

Jeff Townsend wb8lyj at gmail.com
Sun Jan 12 19:42:36 EST 2020

SSB and FT8 on 6m, 2m, and 70cm using a FT-991A.
6m - 3 elment yagi.
2m - 9 element yagi.
70cm - 15 element yagi.
25’ push up mast.

2m and 70cm FM using a FTM-7250
2m - 3 element yagi
70cm - 7 element yagi
About 15’ mast.

I will be starting on Mount Oglethorpe, EM74UL.
In late afternoon or early evening I will be moving to Woody Gap, EM84AQ for a bit.

In the morning I will be starting at Dowdell Knob, EM72PU.
On my way back toward home I will be stopping at EM82AR.
From there to a school parking lot at EM83BS.
From there my final stop in a parking lot behind a hospital on Snellville Mountian at EM73XU.

I have set my phone up with the APRS app so that i beacons my position over the Internet to the aprs.fi <http://aprs.fi/> website.
You can search for WB8LYJ/R there and see where I am at.

Jeff Townsend

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