[VHFcontesting] June VHF contest AB4CR/r

JACK NYIRI nyirijp at comcast.net
Mon Jun 8 12:09:34 EDT 2020

I will be roving again this coming weekend.  Here is the sked:
* Saturday
* 1800z - 2100z FM08us
* 2200z - 2300z FM09 (Weak location)
* Sunday 
* 1000z-1500z FN00rg - Blue Knob ski resort
* 1800z -2200z FM19  Howard Co. Fair Grounds
That is the plan. If Six opens my times may slip working as many as I can.
I will be QRV 50 MHz - 10 GHz with 24 GHz WBFM (for now)
100 watts on the lower 4 bands with beams,
the 30 watts on 902 and 1296 and 10 watts on 2304 and 3456 into 3 foot loopers
5 watts on 5 GHz and 8 Watts on 10 GHz into 2 foot dish 
NO digital modes, maybe next time out

Cell phone for text or calls 615-491-8597

73 - be safe and have fun - Jack AB4CR/r

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