[VHFcontesting] Fwd: VHF Contests Rules Discussion and Proposal

jimk8mr at aol.com jimk8mr at aol.com
Mon Mar 16 20:28:52 EDT 2020

I generally agree with the proposal, with one exception:
There should be only two distinctions, "Analog" and "Digital".  The former would include CW as well as FM/SSB. The later would cover the digital modes.
Essentially it is a distinction between modes that can be copied by ear, and those that cannot.
Separating CW and Voice creates a problem: how to handle mixed mode QSOs. Over the years, probably more than half of my QSOs with W2SZ/1 have been mixed mode, or at least started with mixed mode by me calling their 2M SSB station using CW when they couldn't copy me on SSB. Moving to the other bands sometimes resulted in 2XCW QSOs; other times it was SSB <> CW.
I have no strong opinion on scoring Voice vs. Digital, but would lean to simply giving equal points for the two modes, retaining more points for QSOs on the higher bands.

73   -   Jim  K8MR


-----Original Message-----
From: Bob, W3IDT <w3idt at comcast.net>
To: vhfcontesting <vhfcontesting at contesting.com>
Sent: Mon, Mar 16, 2020 7:21 pm
Subject: [VHFcontesting] Fwd: VHF Contests Rules Discussion and Proposal

I have sent the following discussion and proposal for VHF Contest Rule 
Changes to appropriate ARRL and CQ contest personnel. If you are 
interested in the future of VHF contests, please read carefully and 
offer your considered opinions and alternate recommendations.

Please forward to your local contest and vhf clubs.

[A copy of this email with a PDF version attached for ease of 
re-distribution is somewhere in the email system; it may or may not 
appear in VHFcontesting.]

TO:    Distribution List
      at bottom of this memo.

FROM:    Robert F. Teitel, w3idt
      for the Wopsononock Mountaintop Operators
      VHF contest club, W3SO

      And while this proposal is NOT an official
      Potomac Valley Radio Club (PVRC) position,
      it does represent what appears to be a
      consensus of a number of our VHF operators.

RE:    VHF Contests Rules Discussion and Proposal

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