[VHFcontesting] W4NF/Rover Plans

w4nf at comcast.net w4nf at comcast.net
Wed Jun 9 19:18:41 EDT 2021

Hello all,


Below is my Rover Schedule for this coming weekend:



2PM - 5PM  FM08xw Freezeland Road 2200'

7PM - Midnight  FM18hq (with bigger antennas on 6, 2 and 432) 330' (for home
tower field)



9AM -2:30PM  FM09xd (Clarke County Park) near Berryville, VA abt 500' ASL

4PM - 8PM FM19bc Snickers Gap Trailhead Parking Lot on Rt. 7, VA.  1100' ASL


I have the following bands


6              100W     2 Ele Moxon

2              180W     6 Elements (Directive Systems)

222         110W     10 Elements (DS)

432         100W     15 Elements (DS)

902         25W       19 Element Looper (DS)

1296       10W       25 Element Looper (DS)


CW, SSB or FT8.  FM on 6, 2, and 440.


My cell number is 703-587-4680.  Please email, text or call for schedules.


Take care, stay safe and have fun.


73, Jack W4NF/R


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