[VHFcontesting] Oh, well......

Alex alex at kr1st.com
Mon Jun 14 19:30:31 EDT 2021

Hi Rich,

You may be aware of this, but let me mention it anyway. You can press your 2m beam into service on 70cm if the SWR is acceptable to your radio. One just has to be aware that the main lobe will be split in two and will be at 45 degrees on each side of the direction the antenna is pointed at. So if you want to point North on 70cm with a 2m yagi, point it at 45 or 315 degrees. 

When I didn't have a 1296 antenna I did the same thing with my 432 antenna.

--Alex KR1ST

On Jun 14, 2021, 6:22 PM, at 6:22 PM, Rich Arland <k7sz at live.com> wrote:
>This is the first VHF test I have tried entering in a number of years.
>All for naught.
>V/UHF station here is very Spartan: ICOM IC-202S for 2M and IC-402 for
>70cms. Antenna: 13 el Yagi at 70ft. No 70cms antenna (yet). Power
>output: 2-3 watts PEP CW. OK, stop laughing....stop it right now!! I do
>have an 80W linear amp but it is not hooked up due to a massive amount
>of remodeling in our hovel.
>The ONLY thing I could hear was the K4UHF beacon on 2M. The 2M Yagi is
>pointed NW and the rotor control box is the fault. Gotta get that fixed
>one of these days.
>At any rate, I will enter the next test with the ICOM IC-706 MkII G and
>run a bit more power.
>It is still fun to read all the contest comments.
>Vy 73
>Rich K7SZ
>Radio Blog: https://commobunker.blogspot.com/
>ARC & Colonel, Wyoming Valley QRP Commandos.
>QRP ARCI HoF 2002
>Author: ARRL's Low Power Communications, all 4 editions.
>QST QRP Editor 2000-2004
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