[VHFcontesting] 222 MHz Activity Night for October 12th

David Olean k1whs at metrocast.net
Wed Oct 13 15:42:19 EDT 2021

It was fun getting back on for 222 night. the one difference though, was 
that it was dark when I made my way up the hill at the start. Winter is 
coming! Still, we did not have wintertime conditions here in the 
northeast. While there was no increased mileage of contacts for me, a 
few stations seemed a bit louder than usual.  Here is my list of 
stations skedded/worked:

KB8VAO  EN90 nothing heard. We tried a CW sked at 530 miles.
VE2XX    FN25  Stu was quite loud!
W1GHZ    FN34
N1SV    FN42
W1XR  FM19  A good 5-10 dB stronger than typical!
W3CJK    FN41  He has his xverter percolating very well again!
AF1R    FN42 and portable just for 222 Night! She was about a mile from 
her home.
W9KXI    FN12
KC2KAE    FN20  Good sigs on SSB!
KO4YC    FM17  Very bodacious signals tjhis evening, 5-10 dB stronger 
than typical.
K1PXE       FN31  Had a great ragchew, Ask Pete about his QSO with W0DRL 
on 432. It is a funny story.
WZ1V    FN31   Good buddy Ron. Always bending the s-meter.
N1GJ    FN41  VHF Stalwart George with a good signal from the Cape
WA1PBU    FN42
W1JR    FN42  Joe is really beating up the 160 band... and he hangs out 
here on 222 Tuesdays!
WA1T    FN43    My big DX at 2.5 miles
WA2LTM    FN20   Lettuce, Tomato, and Mayonnaise with a nice signal on SSB.
W2BVH    FN20  last QSO at about 0110 UT.

I was surprised that the VE3s were missing, and there seemed very little 
activity down past KO4YC. AF6T was on and tried some skeds with (I 
think) AA9MY.  No activity from way down South! I was hoping to try a 
sked or two later on, but pickings were slim. From around the country, 
the Pacific Northwest was very active on Tuesday.  There is a dedicated 
group there as well as some good activity in S Cal too.

Many thanks to all who made it on the band. It increases the fun for 
everyone!  Now if I can just get KE8FD, W8ZN, and K1RZ to show up more 
often. They can bring out activity from a lot farther away than us folks 
in Northern New England can.


Dave K1WHS

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