[VHFcontesting] [NEWSVHF] 222 on 2 / 22 / 22 for 222 nite!

N1BUG paul at n1bug.com
Tue Feb 22 12:52:21 EST 2022

I am really hoping to be on for this "special" 222 night... and it would 
be great to work someone on 222.222 as Dave suggests.

This week it is all going to come down to weather. We have heavy 
freezing rain forecast for the evening, changing to plain rain later. 
Only time will tell exactly when it will start, how much ice we get and 
at what time it will change over to rain. I'm hoping it won't prevent me 
from getting on tonight!

While the chances of a big storm with heavy snow may be getting remote 
in southern Maine by mid March, we aren't at that point until well into 
April up here.

Paul N1BUG

On 2/22/22 11:51, David Olean wrote:
> Hello 222 denizens,
> It is a special Two Two Two night indeed. All of those twos lining up on 
> the same day that we are all getting on two two two is pretty 
> fantastic.  I think to celebrate, we should all use 222.222 as a sked 
> frequency.
> The temperature today is sitting at 40 degrees and I really want to get 
> on for the night. I would have to drag a bunch of gear up including my 
> K3 and transverter, Bird 43,  a laptop, keys and cans etc. I walked up 
> the road and checked it out. It is solid ice in many spots, so driving 
> is quite dangerous. I would probably slide sideways into a bunch of 
> trees.   The good news is that I am hopeful that the ice will keep 
> melting and I can get back up very soon.  Bu mid March, the chance of a 
> bad storm with heavy snow is getting remote. I am crossing my fingers.
> I see that Howard WA3EOQ will be on. He is in a unique spot to cover 
> much territory. He can work many of the New England ops and is 285 miles 
> from Detroit, and 375 miles from Indianapolis, Indiana.  Howard is 500 
> miles from Atlanta.That is a stretch, but he is about the same distance 
> from me, and we can usually work by the hair on our collective chinny 
> chin chins.  So the drill is to get on and see what you can work.  One 
> of the great things about ham radio is that you sometimes work an 
> incredible contact that you never thought possible. These special times 
> will only happen if you get on and try!  As part of your Twos day 
> activity night, why not try a sked with a station that is too far away 
> and then see what happens. Don't give up when it does not work at first. 
> In winter there are times when a tropo peak will happen. You just don't 
> know when that will be. Try the path a few times during the evening. 
> Remember ON4KST Chat is your friend.
> I am currently stuck on 160 meters at the house but had a great contact 
> Sunday morning with a JA station on CW right at my Sun rise.  I was 
> calling JH4UYB. He was also called by a VE6. JH4UYB answered with 
> "6RST?" VE6RST did not answer, so I called again. Lo and behold, he came 
> back to me with a signal that was barely above the noise in a 250 hz 
> filter. When I finished, I had to pinch myself. I thought I was 
> imagining it.  Luckily I was recording it all on a tape recorder, so I 
> could go back and hear it all again. It was real.  I have many great 
> memories of neat contacts on VHF over the years. The one thing in common 
> with all of them is that you have to try! You have to be there. So...Be 
> there on 222 on 2-22-22.
> 73
> Dave K1WHS
> On 2/22/2022 8:48 AM, Roger(WA1NVC) Coulson wrote:
>> So it is Two(s) day, Two / Two Two / Two Two will you be on Two Two 
>> Two this Two(s) day?
>> 7-8 pm est on 222.100
>> Roger
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