[VHFcontesting] New Scoring Rules for ARRL 10 GHz and Up Contest Announced

Scott Armstrong aa5am.scott at gmail.com
Wed Jul 19 17:32:12 EDT 2023

News, Press Releases, and Special Interest

*New Scoring Rules for ARRL 10 GHz and Up Contest Announced*

New scoring rules have been introduced for the 2023 ARRL 10 GHz and Up
contest, which occurs on the third full weekend of August and September.
For 2023, distance point multipliers for each band have been added. To
encourage contacts on the higher microwave bands, contacts made on bands
higher than 10 GHz will accrue greater distance points. While distance
points for 10 GHz remain the same, contacts made on the higher bands will
be multiplied by a band factor as follows: 24 GHz (2x), 47 GHz (3x), 77 GHz
(4x), 122 GHz and higher (5x).

This year's 10 GHz and Up Contest weekends are August 19 - 20 and September
16 - 17, 2023. Visit www.arrl.org/10-ghz-up for more details.

Scott AA5AM

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