[VHFcontesting] 222 Night

Paul N1BUG FN55mf paul at n1bug.com
Wed Jul 10 07:59:44 EDT 2024

Guess who showed up for a 222 activity night! I only made 5 contacts...
KC1V, K1WHS, WA1MBA, WZ1V, WA1T... but at least I was there!

Yesterday I got parts to dive into a 10 GHz project after a lengthy dry
spell. As always it helped. I felt better at the end of the day than I
had in months, and was able to be functional at 7 PM. I need more of
these projects! I told K1WHS I wasn't going to check the log to see when
the last time I was on for 222 Night because it might be too depressing.
But I did check and sure enough it was the last time I had an active 10
GHz project on the bench.

Signals seemed good. I can't judge by that signal from Mumbo Jumbo land.
If Dave isn't rattling the windows I know something has died somewhere
or my antenna fell down. The others all seemed above average. I still
can't figure out how WA1T had such a great signal here with his antenna
pointed south. I listened to him chatting with Dave for a few minutes,
then had a brief chat with Al. He was 57 the whole time.

222 is my best VHF/UHF band, performance-wise. I have 800 watts, a
K1FO-22 at 115 feet and tower mounted preamp.

Paul N1BUG

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