receive screen in Rttyrite

Jay Townsend
Mon, 23 Jun 1997 06:56:16 -0700 (PDT)

Ron Stailey, K5DJ wrote:
> Jim your the first one that has complained about that one.

Not quite!

> chasing the call up the screen..  I have had several comments from new 
> users saying how they like it.

You do get used to it...
> Try is out, and I ll bet you fall in love with it.. If not and if we have
> several others that don't like it this way, we can put an option in where 
> you can selects which one you want..   


> advantage of all the window Rttyrite gives you.  We are also going to make
> it possible to arrow back in your recieve window for a long ways to pick up
> anything you may have missed.. I don't think it necessary to have this 
> feature, however several have asked for it, so that's what we will do.. Give 
> it a try for longer than what you have used it.. Let me know what you thank
> then..  

Absolutely a necessary feature for "normal" use and even for some other
things that some do in contesting.

Oh, BTW, as I was helping Jim yesterday and explaining about the need each
and everytime to click on the SCP filename (a pain) I did remember the
reason why. You can USE several SCP files at one time. And I do... As
Ron's SCP doesn't even have W7RY in it.

So I can load the "normal" scp and my file as well. Real handy and one
doesn't need to worry about things as much. Also RTTYRITE users might
notice that with this Windows based program memory management is not a
problem. Computer speed another story. BTW, Pentiums are now less than a
$1000 all over the pentiums.


Jay Townsend, WS7I  < >