I'm Gonna Try It!

Brian Short SHORTCKT@primenet.com
Mon, 23 Jun 1997 21:41:14 +0100

I'm filling out the letter to Ron right now!
Just finished printing the manual.

Just one suggestion (only for what it is worth):
May I please kindly request that support for the
SCS PTC-II be added?

Performance issues aside, I like an external "box"
for a demodulator and free up the CPU to handle all
of those Windows graphical user interface things,
but if CPU resources are not an issue...

My computers are 5x86-133 and 486dx2-66, so CPU 
power may be limited (of course some day I'll get
a new motherboard again...)?

BTW: I sold my ST-8000, but I have an ST-6000 and
many, many others. I usually use a PK-232 as front
end, interfaced TTL to an external demodulator when
I use a "dumb" unit as this provides buffering etc.
Maybe this is not as desirable with RTTYRite?

Mostly, I just "collect" the dumb TUs and occasionally
but one online for casual QSOs etc...

Jay, my 2 TU-470's have both TTL and RS-232 on the
DB-25 pins. I found the TU-470 demod to be disappointing.
What sort of mod were you thinking about?

Also, I need a schematic for my IRL FSK-1000...

I will likely have more questions later.

1994 E Laguna Dr Tempe, Az 85282 (602)839-3484 
  k7on@qsl.net >or< http://www.qsl.net/k7on