I'm Gonna Try It!
Jay Townsend
Mon, 23 Jun 1997 14:44:20 -0700
At 21:41 6/23/1997 +0100, you wrote:
>Just one suggestion (only for what it is worth):
>May I please kindly request that support for the
>SCS PTC-II be added?
That's a great idea. The usual problem with adding TU's is the manufacturer
providing the unit. With the cost of the SCS PTC II its not likely that
anyone will rush out to buy one to get their $50 software program working.
Perhaps you can help?
>I use a "dumb" unit as this provides buffering etc.
>Maybe this is not as desirable with RTTYRite?
With WF1B I ran my units that way as well, but with RTTYRITE I just use the
program. They even have diddle working...