We found a JARTS problem
Ron Stailey, K5DJ
Sun, 12 Oct 1997 13:58:59 -0500
We have found a problem (BUG) with the JARTS contest it is very important
for everyone to get the FIX
We decided to incorporate in a new 8.04 download called 8.04B. (which also
has the CQRTTY scoring fix.). To get the fix, go to:
Bug fixes in 8.04
FIX IN 8.04b: JARTS logs fail to save correctly.
After you download the above (wl804.html), if you already have a
JARTS97.CNT file made already, you need to delete it and start over
then it will work.. Sri for the inconvenience if any of you have already
notced this...
Good luck to everyone in next weeks JARTS RTTY Contest..
73's, de Ron K5DJ