DXTelnet & RTTYRite
Don Hill
Sun, 12 Oct 1997 18:11:18 -0500
Not sure how many of you use DXTelnet. But I wonder if it
would of interest to ask Wayne whether he could use packetcluster
spots off DXTelnet in lieu of having to use up a COM port for
a TNC.
Almost everyone has a modem already using up one port. I've
installed a Byte Runner TC420 board giving me 4 additions ports.
Problems with a lot of off the shelf computers now is that
you get a modem (normally COM 2) and COM 1 on the motherboard.
Makes it a little mind boggling for us rookies trying to add
ports to a system that is new to us.
It would be nice not worrying about having a COM port for a TNC
for packet and have the added feature of having RTTYRite incorporate
spots or actually use DXTelnet as it's packetcluster link. Maybe
Wayne and Fab can get together and work something out.
I'm enjoying the program even more on Win95 now especially with
a generic 17" screen (only 400 bucks at SAM's).
Anyone else have an interest?
Thanks Wayne!
73, Don