DXTelnet & RTTYRite
Sun, 12 Oct 1997 20:59:33 -0400
Don <aa5au@bayouweb.com> writes:
>It would be nice not worrying about having a COM port for a TNC
>for packet and have the added feature of having RTTYRite incorporate
>spots or actually use DXTelnet as it's packetcluster link.
I agree that most folks probably have a built in modem. I wonder how
many have two phone lines coming into their house? I have resisted
getting the second phone line for our ISP connection. I am sure my
XYL would not think too kindly of me tying up the phone for 48 hours.
Don't let me get in the way of progress. By the time an Internet
solution is provided, I will have probably changed my mind and
added the second phone line. (Of course I am sure some of the big
city folks already have 10Mbits/second or better access to the
Internet from their shack.)
>I'm enjoying the program even more on Win95 now especially with
>a generic 17" screen (only 400 bucks at SAM's).
A 17" monitor is a must for two radio contesting. Rumors are that
Windows 98 will support two monitors. Boy will that make two radio
contesting fun!
73, Bruce
Bruce Lifter, WT4I
Malabar, FL
wt4i@juno.com wt4i@palmnet.net