Writelog 2nd Rig Buffers
Wayne E. Wright
Sat, 7 Mar 1998 14:56:30 -0000
You've got everything right except the very last step. Start the second Rttyrite
window from the second entry window's File RTTY View menu entry.
Alternatively, you can get two entry windows on the screen, do an Options
Save Configuration, check the startup with RTTY toggle button, exit and
From: Dick, N1RCT[SMTP:n1rct@megalink.net]
Sent: Saturday, March 07, 1998 00:12
To: rttywrite@larry.wu3v.net
Subject: Writelog 2nd Rig Buffers
Working on setting up Writelog / 2 rigs for the BARTG and I have the
buffers from the manual page 7 typed in. Rig one works fine, transmitting
the buffers and the text appearing in blue. Both rigs have rig control
which correctly shows the VFO setting on the respective input boxes. Both
copy fine.
Rig 2 (sound card + PTT/FSK) transmits fine on the "type-ahead" (and
gives the blue text) BUT the buffers will not transmit or even key up the
rig. There are only one set of buffers, right? I am positive that the
electrical setup is correct as the type-ahead works fine.
I start it all by clicking on the Writelog icon which fires up with rig
one TNC defined and an extra entry window. Then I click the RTTYrite icon
which has the sound card TNC defined, although I don't see anything in the
instruction manual about the initial setup for two rigs. Any ideas?? 73
de Dick
PS Antennas for 80, 20, 15, and 10 are all replaced now with home-brew
designs .... still puzzling about the best for 40 meters as the interaction
with the 80 meter antenna is bad for 2 rig contesting.
Dick Stevens, N1RCT E-Mail n1rct@megalink.net
My RTTY Home Page: http://www.megalink.net/~n1rct/
Check Jim's Gazette http://www.n2hos.com/digital