R: [writelog] want not run with kam!!! i confirm!!!
Lorenzo Lo Cicero
Lorenzo Lo Cicero" <hfo@flashnet.it
Wed, 25 Nov 1998 21:37:03 +0100
you think WRONG: the reflector is a service to solve the own problem of each
costomer of Writelog by the experience of ALL.
According what you think ..for the next problem i before must ask if is a
problem of all community and after ask for a solution......
For the number of messages, after, i ask for one time but my first message
have causes many messages of OM that tell me about a solution by their
experience of problems.Together the software some problems cause, i
73 de IK0HFO
Lorenzo Lo Cicero
Via Giuseppe Palombini, 19
00165 ROMA - ITALY
-----Original Message-----
From: Jay Townsend +ADw-ws7i+AEA-ewarg.org+AD4-
To: rttywrite+AEA-larry.wu3v.net +ADw-rttywrite+AEA-larry.wu3v.net+AD4-
Date: Wednesday, November 25, 1998 7:47 PM
Subject: Re: +AFs-writelog+AF0- want not run with kam+ACEAIQAh- i confirm+ACEAIQAh-
+AD4APg-At 05:58 PM 11/24/98 +010-, Lorenzo wrote:
+AD4APg-i try everything but the sw want not run with kam...i would a
+AD4APg-solution+ACEAIQAh-....i try as said VE6RAJ and other ...put kam on befor run
+AD4APg-program ... i try all..of course the kam is ok with kawin and hostmaster
+AD4APg-host mode) and rtty 4.2 ....
+AD4-Aren't software problems interesting and isn't it very interesting how very
+AD4-demanding we can get when trying to get something to work.
+AD4APg- i think the author can not say that run also
+AD4APg-with kam .. i read others have some problem .... now i would a solution
+AD4APg-the authors of program...
+AD4-I think that from the number of messages in the reflector the problem is
+AD4-NOT at all with the software but is something quite different. Its clear to
+AD4-say that since so many are using it with a KAM and KAM PLUS that the
+AD4-software indeed functions fine.
+AD4-Lonenzo, I would suggest that you detail to the list your computer, the
+AD4-number and types
+AD4-of ports that you are using. For example: Multi-port Card for COM-3 thru
+AD4-COM-6 and the
+AD4-computer board for COM 1 and Com 2 or ??
+AD4-The complex interaction of computer, com ports, and an external computer
+AD4-also running its
+AD4-own software (the KAM PLUS running its HOST MODE software) does present
+AD4-some interesting questions, but stick with it and the +ACI-experts+ACI- on the list
+AD4-will solve it.
+AD4-I had a similar problem when trying to get my sound card working to send
+AD4-SSB. But will all the help we had it fixed up in plenty of time.
+AD4-I want to take this opportunity to thank, Jim, WU3V, the owner, creator,
+AD4-and supporter of
+AD4-this list for all his efforts to bring us together. For the rttywrite
+AD4-reflector is NOT a list put together by the Writelog Software Team of Ron
+AD4-and Wayne, but was a list created to help solve this mysterious little
+AD4-problems that plaque us from time-to-time. We all have them and I think the
+AD4-number of responses to Lorenzo is just great.
+AD4-Least I forget, all of us should remember that these little, +ACQ-50 to +ACQ-75
+AD4-dollar programs are the efforts of love and devotion. Both Ray with WF1B,
+AD4-and Wayne with Writelog, along with
+AD4-the Author of NA have delivered to us the USER programs that are fully
+AD4-functional and make the game of RTTY contesting a lot of fun.
+AD4-Send your favorite RTTY author a note today and tell them how much you
+AD4-appreciate their product and how that product has made your enjoyment of
+AD4-radio contesting more enjoyable.
+AD4-73 Ws7i
+AD4-Jay Townsend, WS7I +ADw- ws7i+AEA-ewarg.org +AD4-