Rttyrite Tuning Indicator
Tue, 27 Oct 1998 16:30:19 -0500
Well, I can read the W1AW bulletin, even without the indicator. Of course,
that's a booming solitaire signal. I also tried to use RITTY, and that
works fine, too. The only thing that's not working is the tuning indicator.
Yes, RITTY copies some stuff that I can hardly hear. I never set up the
F-keys because is loses them every time it times out. I got pretty good at
using restartting the program when it times out, without losing much of
what the other station sends. The filtering in RITTY is phantastic, and I
want to see what WL can do. I do prefer the Windows environment, especially
since RITTY can't run in a window due to its graphical indicators. The
autotune in RITTY is nice, and I like the filter options it has. Once
autotune locks on a station, you just hit the space bar to keep it from
jumping around. I'm really curious to see how WL/Rttyrite compares to RITTY
in terms of useability and weak-signal copying.
WL's Lissajous indicator resembles what I used to use when I did RTTY on a
mechanical machine with active audio filters in the early 80's. Compared to
the real thing, it looked pretty crude when I saw it last week, but not
getting it at all is, obviously, worse.
Michael, K1JE
---------------------- Forwarded by Michael Joens/NA/Millipore on 10/27/98
16:13 ---------------------------
"E. Wayne Huff" <huffew@bangornews.infi.net> on 10/27/98 14:37:21
To: Michael Joens/NA/Millipore
Subject: Re: Rttyrite Tuning Indicator
Hi Mike,
I just checked out my copy of WL and have the same problem, except, I
can't copy anything...
I then changed to RITTY and it copies fine... It also used the sound
as you know. Does yours work ok with RITTY? That is after you tried WL?
By the way, RITTY works great. It copies really weak signals. I like it
for rag chewing, especially the Fkeys for common info. I use it as the TNC
with RTTY by WF1B. I just cut down on the width of copy from 500hz to 400
or 300 so that strong nearby signals won't attract (or distract if you
the tuning.
We need to get this info to Ron and Wayne right away so it can be
corrected by this weekend if we plan to use the program then. I would go
back to the prior version if I could, but of course I wrote over it when I
installed the upgrade.
Wayne from Maine, KC1YF