Rttyrite Tuning Indicator
Tue, 27 Oct 1998 13:23:07 -0500
Regarding the indicator: I got some advice on making sure that the sound
settings are correct. Thanks. I tried all that last night, to no avail. All
settings are at max, and I can copy RTTY just fine, "only" the indicator
didn't work. One feedback stated that it may be the new release - I hope
that's not it, but when I first tried it and the indicator worked, I may
have been using 9.13e, then I upgraded to 9.13f just before the contest.
I've looked in the writelog.ini file, but there seems to be nothing but the
indicator's size and position on the screen. All the audio controls appear
to be set correctly. Tried every menu option I could find. Even installed
the program on my PC at work to get a clean start and tried to generate
some noise through the microphone, but the indicator is just dead. Very
frustrating, since I've seen it work last week.
I have used Brian Beezley's (K6STI) RITTY program (the demo that times out
after 5 minutes) and I really like it. Just can't justify spending $150 on
a single-purpose DOS program, or any program for that matter. Worked 70 or
so countries with RITTY in spite of the timeout with 100W and a vertical.
In that program I particularly like the tuning indicator that shows the
various signals in a spectrum analyzer fashion and where each mark and
space is sitting. I've been able to selectively copy signals from stations
that were interlaced (space 1 - space 2 - mark 1 - mark 2) by shutting off
autotune and tuning to one signal or the other. I'm wondering whether
Rittyrite can do something similar, but for lack of the indicator it's hard
to tell where the receiver is sitting.
I'm using an Icom IC-745 with 250Hz filters (really nice when it's
crowded), and drive it with direct FSK. Computer is a home-made Pentium 133
with a Soundblaster AWE 64 card.
Thanks for the help. Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure that the volume
settings are not causing the problem.
Michael, K1JE
---------------------- Forwarded by Michael Joens/NA/Millipore on 10/27/98
12:45 ---------------------------
Michael_Joens@Millipore.com on 10/27/98 08:57:05
To: rttywrite@larry.wu3v.net
cc: (bcc: Michael Joens/NA/Millipore)
Subject: Rttyrite Tuning Indicator
I just got the Writelog program one week before the CQWW contest, and I
loved it. Great program.
Now that the contest is over, I wanted to look further into the RTTY part
of the program. I had just fired it up to see that it works last week, but
then concentrated on building a little switchbox to automatically switch
between the microphone and the sound board output for the voice keyer
(worked beautifully, BTW).
When I tried Rttyrite last night, the tuning indicator didn't work. The
window came up, but only showed the white dot in the middle. I tuned to
W1AW, and it copied it solidly, but the indicator showed nothing. When I
had it on last week, the Lissajous pattern was there (somewhat coarse, but
there). I looked in the help screens, but could not find any information
about the tuning indicator, and I looked just about everywhere (except
under the sofa) for a menu choice that would allow me to change settings
that I may have messed up.
Does anyone know how I can fix this and get the indicator back?
Thanks & 73,
Michael, K1JE