Update 9.12C is ready..

Ron Stailey, K5DJ Ron-Stailey@easy.com
Mon, 14 Sep 1998 00:21:23 -0500

 We have a new update 9.12C.. Thanks for all that helped us test it to 
 make sure it was ready before CQ/RJWW RTTY DX Contest.  Wayne has tweaked
 9.12C to where it is really working.. If you were one of the beta testers
 for 9.12C you will need get the new WL912cupg.exe file, it's at the same
 address. As I said it's better now than it was when you were testing it..
 (I assure you it is..) :-) 

 Wayne has put two new files at the below address: Be sure to get both.
 The second one is a new rtty.dta with quiet a few more calls in it so 
 the database will detect more calls, without "DE" being in front of a 
 call. I do urge you to use DE like you always have in the past. Because
 WriteLog will detect call not in the database if DE is in front of the
 call. After you download rttydta.zip, unzip it and put rtty.dta in your
 C:\Ham\Programs file, it will overwrite the old one..  

 I would like for all of you to send me or Jay WS7I a copy of your DUPE
 file after each contest. We will take all the new calls and make new
 rtty.dta file with them.  We could have updated rtty.dta file before
 each contest if time permits..  It's to your benefit to do so, the more
 calls in the database the better off we all are.. Everyone that sends a
 dupe sheet will get updates...  This goes for: WriteLog, WF1B, OH2GI 
 users as well. We will share this info with everyone that send a dupe
 sheet.. You can send you Dupe file to me at: k5dj@easy.com or to WS7I
 at: ws7i@ewarg.org... 

 Wayne has also speeded up Supercheck as well. If your using a 200
 computer, WOW..  If your using a real fast MMX computer, Holy Shit. :-)

 Since there are a ton of Vanity calls you will notice from time to time
 call like WB9UHL and all that will Highlight is WB9U. That's because
 WB9U is in the database and WB9UHL isn't.. We do have a fix for this
 but it's not in 9.12C. We will have it in an future update. Here is how
 to get around it for now. When you see only PART of a call highlight,
 press CTRL and click on the first letter of the station your are working.
 If WB9UHL is the station you are going to working and only WB9U
 highlights, if you press CTRL and click on the W in the call sign you
 will get WB9UHL to appear in your Call Window.. Remember click on the
 FIRST LETTER of the call, for this to work. I have played with it most
 of the day and it works real good.. As always, if you SHIFT click on
 TOO (599) when you log the contact it will read 599 in you log.. You
 can also SHIFT click QWE (123) - RTY (456) in contests that require a
 serial number and 123 or 456 will be logged in you log..


 WL912cupg.exe will upgrade Ver-9.09 - 9.11 to become 9.12C.. If you have
 any problems with downloading let me know... 

 Wayne is working on some CW/SSB requests that will be out in up coming

  See ya in CQ/RJWW RTTY DX Test,

       73, de Ron K5DJ