Wayne Matlock k7wm@redrivernet.com
Sat, 17 Apr 1999 18:05:44 -0700

Well,  Writelog has notched another one.  Even tho didn't do to well in the
test,  it was no fault of the software.  Really enjoyed watching the solar
storm on the PSK Screen.  I was just set up using the in and out of the
phone patch on this ole TS-930s with no isolators,  transformer,  etc., and
used the VOX control.  that gave some problem with the noise so gotta get
some filters for the SoundCard out line.  I also left settings, i.e.
1000-1000 as it comes and had no diffulculty rx, (except for the noise). 
Maybe I'm missing something??  (and that doesn't surprise me)  
73 de Wayne,  K7WM