[WL-USERS] PLEEZ agn PSK freq setup

WA9ALS - John jfleming@shelbynet.net
Sat, 17 Apr 1999 14:01:07 -0500

Has to be something like that.  I tried running setup and I got a
WINDOWS box labeled "Severe" and a message stating "Writelog not
installed".  I finally gave up and uninstalled Writelog after saving my
contest files elsewhere.  I'm going to reinstall 922, and then the
upgrade.  The only time I've upgraded previously to the "f" release, I
unzipped the files to the proper directory, but I didn't run Setup
again.  I don't know why I got the error from setup earlier today, but
it should work as i do the reinstall!  News at 11...  THANKS!  Please
remind me what the TNCInit line does?  That was added for a specific
reason, but I can't remember why it came up.
WA9ALS - John
Tower Project Guestbook http://www.shelbynet.net/~jfleming/towerproject
Amateur Homepage http://www.shelbynet.net/~jfleming/amstart.htm

----- Original Message -----
From: W. Wright, W5XD <w5xd@alum.mit.edu>
To: 'WA9ALS - John' <jfleming@shelbynet.net>
Cc: 'K5DJ' <k5dj@contesting.com>
Sent: Saturday, April 17, 1999 1:45 PM
Subject: RE: [WL-USERS] PLEEZ agn PSK freq setup

> John,
> Delete the file
> \ham\programs\rttyrite9.exe
> and re-run the SETUP.EXE that came with 923G upgrade.
> I'm thinking that somehow you have an old one and the upgrade
> installer is not fixing it.
> Wayne
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-wl-users@wu3v.net [mailto:owner-wl-users@wu3v.net]On
> Of WA9ALS - John
> Sent: Saturday, April 17, 1999 18:19
> To: wl-users@wu3v.net
> Subject: [WL-USERS] PLEEZ agn PSK freq setup
> I got the latest version 923g
> Unzipped to the ham\programs directory
> Rebooted
> Ran writelog - PSK available - works - but with 1000 rcv and trans
> initially - won't save freq change
> Looked at ini file in windows dir - same as old - no PSK reference!
> Copied appropriate "PSK INFO" with trans/rcv frq lines and others that
> didn't have in mine from mail you guys sent me
> Ran Writelog - same thing - 1000!
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> -----------------------------------------------
> WA9ALS - John
> jfleming@shelbynet.net
> Tower Project Guestbook
> Amateur Homepage http://www.shelbynet.net/~jfleming/amstart.htm
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> -----------------------------------------------