New Update 9.21

Ron Stailey, K5DJ
Sat, 16 Jan 1999 00:33:45 -0500 (EST)

Here is the new update 9.21 address.  There are several new things as well 
as fixing the off time problem in NAQP last weekend.  Wayne also added a 
new statistics report, I think you will really like..

Here's the list of what's new in 9.21

Edit time on/off would refuse to remove a calculated time off once entered
in the log.
The flash of the net gab display advertised in the previous release was
missing and is in this release.
Right click on the column title buttons in the Entry Window aborts any
transmission in progress.
Add Abort Transmission to the menu popup you get with right click in RTTY
Add support for Florida QSO party.
Update CTY files to Oct 27, 1998
In the packet spot window, selecting a spot and typing the DELETE key
removes it from the window.
Added INI entry for reversing the sense of the PTT output on an LPT port.
Compute spot message using only QSOs logged from this computer—ignore
networked computers.
Updated the Frequency Correction dialog to allow editing split frequencies.
Add INI entry to make the "COUNTRY" and "C" fields NOT show up in the prompt
by default.
Setting up a timed CQ does not automatically start a CQ.
Correctly honor a decimal point when setting split.
Added ability to adjust colors in super check partial.
Rate window has a right-mouse pop up to allow changing between all band and
single band rates.
For Icom rigs, set the passband width back to whatever it last was read when
setting a mode and frequency.
Added reports.
WinRTTY AFSK now transmits a short (~200msec) spacing signal at startup when
running stereo on NT instead of nearly 2 seconds.
Added INI entry for Icom rig driver that forces the rig out of split mode
when WriteLog did not set it to split.
Update time on/off handling for NAQP for all 3 modes.
Fixed bug on automatically showing a time on/off when entering a new QSO
after editing one more than 30 minutes old.

If you have any problems downloading the update let me know..

  73, de Ron K5DJ