[WriteLog] WL SB VS Dovetron

Joe Duerbusch jduerbusch@netscape.net
11 Feb 00 09:12:53 CST

"Eric K3NA (E-mail)" <eric@k3na.org> wrote:
Hi Joe --

   I was wondering how you thought the WL soundboard-based demodulator
performed, compared to the Dovetron?

Hi Eric, well for the last two months I have been running both at the same
time per AA5AU Don's very good instructions. Both are using the same audio
feed from the fixed audio of the rig.  I am using a TS-850S with 400hz cw
filter on rtty and a 4 element monobander on 20.

The soundcard matches the Dovetron just fine.  It is sooo much better than the
earlier version of the WL Soundcard RTTY.  But to be fair, I think that the
Dovetron does a bit better on electrical noise and on arctic fludder.  But WL
SB RTTY does a much better job on very weak signals.  I sure hate to give up
the Dovetron and PK-232 with all the flashing lights, but I will be using only
the WL SB RTTY in the contest this weekend.  BTW I am using PTT/FSK and not

Also it is so much easier to come back right dead on the other guys mark tone
with the tuning bars of WL SB RTTY.

That's the story Jack, I mean Eric.

Joe K0BX

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