Wayne F. King wfking@worldnet.att.net
Tue, 15 Feb 2000 21:17:25 +0000

Had a great time over the weekend. Writelog is a super program. Here is
what I noticed during the contest. Thanks for all the Q's.

1). No sequence number sent when using the search and pounce memories.
(ex. I would store a call and freq., recall it later  and send the
exchange but serial # would send 000 each time. I would have to go live
(atl K) and send the number..When recalling all would be OK in the entry
window but NO ser #.... Anyone know why?

2). Occasionally a call would appear on the screen and NO highlight
(color). Did this happen to others?

3). Apparently the Super check partial does not function in RTTY because
of the color highlighting. I have used this feature in CW mode and it's
works great! But call(s) would only flash in the window momentarily.
Nothing would appear in the SCP window if I typed in a partial call (ex

This was my maiden voyage with Writelog in a RTTY contest.

73, Wayne N2WK

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Submissions:              writelog@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  writelog-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-writelog@contesting.com