[WriteLog] Problem With the Bandmap and Mulipliers during ARRL DX Contest.

Dave Rich kg0us@swbell.net
Thu, 24 Feb 2000 22:18:03 -0600

Hello Everyone,

I operated during the recent ARRL DX CW contest.  It was very fun!  I
made 500 contacts while my 11 year old daughter made 186 contacts on

I have a question concerning multipliers shown on the Band Map and
Multiplier window. I noticed that any countries already worked were
still shown as multipliers on the same band on the Bandmap (default
color yellow) and in the multiplier window if the new potential contact
had a different prefix from the same country already worked.  However,
somehow Writelog knew not to give multiple multiplier credit in the log
for these different prefixes for the same country.  Is this correctly
done? I thought it would be nice if callsigns shown were not given
multiplier status if that country had previously been worked on that
band.  I am relatively new at this so correct me if I am incorrect.


Dave KG0US

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