[WriteLog] 2000 NAQP RTTY - KC4HW
Jim Johnson
Thu, 20 Jul 2000 20:39:18 -0400
Here is my score--such that it is:
10M 2 1
15M 40 23
20M 181 45
40M 26 14
80M 0 0
Total 249 83
Points: 20,667
Station: Tribander and 40 Meter Delta Loop. FT1000D and FT990.
Two - AF4Z Multi Modem. Two - YO 100 Monitor Scops, Computer
is a K6-2-400Mhz with 6 comports, etc.
Soap Box: (Long Version)
Well, I for one had a good time! Have been spending way to much
time working and NONE playing radio. Was nice to have a
Saturday to do just that!
First of all this started coming together around 5:15AM Saturday!
Accumulated the stuff to install my 40 Meter delta loop on the
tower. I had been trying a HyGain 40 Meter Dipole, but it fell out of
favor because I could not get enough seperation between it and the
tribander. Also, the threat of the upcoming Hurricane season,
gave me serious concerns about keeping that antenna in the air.
So I had had pretty good success with the delta loop during ARRL
RTTY ROUNDUP, so decided to go with it. All went as expected.
Had to take down the HyGain and put up the delta loop, then trimm
trees and such to install the loop. Finished all that around 10PM
and sorted out the coax, so felt pretty good about making the 2PM
Had to purchase a new monitor, daughter had taken the one on the
contest computer and would not let me borrow it back--Kids!
Anyway, after a quick trip to several stores I secured a 17" Flat
Screen from KDS. I had never heard of them, but the darn thing
look pretty impressive. Also had to make a trip to "Billy Joes
Wings" place (the place for wings in Melbourne) and by the time I
got back home with all, it was a little after Noon. First order of
business eat the wings! after that got the monitor hooked up and
started the computer around 12:50. Called my ole buddy Bruce
(Thumder Dog) to help with the adding the additional comports.
Got all six of them up and running. Could not get the network
going. Had all the programs and stuff backed up on another
computer--but the network would not cooperate. So burned a CD
with all the Writelog stuff and transferred it over to the new
computer. NO WINZIP. So had to download it from the web. Now
it going on about 1:50PM. Just now getting the software installed,
tried upgrading the version, but could not until I input my
registration information. So now it is getting exciting, it is
2PM and I am tearing through everthing I have to find my
registration code, finally I found the code so input it at blazing
speed and of course made typos! The darn thing would not work.
Finally got my old bifocals in the right place and got the registration
code right! It came up and ran, forgot about the upgrades! Now it
about 2:10PM and still have not defined the port setting and rig
control. Could not find my record of what I had before. Finally, I
found some scrap of paper that I had began outlining what the
comports were suppose to go to. Nevertheless after several
frustrating minutes of try this and that, the modem started
decoding. At 2:31PM I made my first qso!!!! still did not have rig
control. So try to get rig control working during my first 12 qsos.
Fiddling with the rig controls and their power supplies caused the
computer to hang up dead. No Crtl-Alt-Del or nothing. Had to hard
reset the machine, with Win 98 complained about, before I could
get it going, but finally, got it figured out and everything started
Band conditions were terrible, but I kept digging the ditch. Around
9PM I personally began to run out of gas! Took a short 30 minute
break, and after a shower I came back and worked anohter hour
and half, but by that time I was DONE!
Anyway had a good time and appreciate the QSOs. Even the guy
that thought my CQ was too short, complaining that it was difficult
to tune me in... Funny he was perfect copy here, so some how he
managed to get me tuned in, but would not give me a report--I
guess that he was just policing the contest! I guess everyone has
to have a purpose in life! So your are NOT in the log buddy! The
score is nothing to brag about but what the heck! Because the
band was so stinky, several of us were on our local 2Mtr simplex
freq chit chatting. Made the time past quicker.
Our team the FLO BOYS (short for Florida Boys) had a nice
showing, so what the heck--all in all a pretty good day!
I really wish we would start this thing around 10 AM, of course I
would have to start around 1AM, provided I waited to the last
minute as I did this year.
CU next year!
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