[WriteLog] Writelog Serial numbers Arrl SS

Fritz Schewe ad6g@mcn.org
Tue, 21 Nov 2000 09:38:03 -0800

I'm running Writelog version  10.20B.  I didn't notice until after the SS 
SSB contest, when I was doing an Excel check and analysis, than I also had 
two different double ssn entries.  I went back and checked the recordings 
an sure enough I gave the duplicate ssns' out.  I was using the S&P 
memories rather heavily , since I was trying  to get a sweep in a limited 
amount of available time.  I also was missing one serial number, I have no 
explanation for that because I normally marked a flubbed QSO as "not claimed"

Hope this doesn't affect my score, although logically I can't see why it 
should, Hopefully in cabrillo log checking they only compare exchanges, not 
number sequencing.

Fritz Schewe AD6G
P.O. Box 563
Gualala, CA  95445

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