[WriteLog] 2000 JARTS W4UEF SOABLP

DieselCar@aol.com DieselCar@aol.com
Sun, 22 Oct 2000 21:55:02 EDT

Single OP., All Band

           QSOs Points DX: Call Areas
80m:       1        2       0          1
40m:     57     139     14        14
20m:   165     425     39        14
15m:   150     406     35        16
10m:   154     427     33        15
Total:  527  1399  
Total multipliers: 181
Score:  253219

Station Description: Kenwood TS-570-D, DSP-599zx and WriteLog
Antenna(s): short square rhombic 141 ft per side @ 50 ft (all bands)

Remarks: Mani thanks to contest sponsors, to those who gave exchanges, to 
those who tried and cud not copy my signal and to N2WR for my only 80 meter 
contact and my only five bander. 

  ue Rick W4UEF (ex WB2UEF/4)

WWW:                      http://www.writelog.com/
Submissions:              writelog@contesting.com
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