[WriteLog] Dayton 2001 and RTTY Activities

Jay Townsend ws7i@ewarg.org
Sat, 21 Apr 2001 01:27:03 +0000

For Immeadiate Release -- 21 April 2001

Dayton Holiday Inn -- Dayton Mall, Dayton Ohio

We approach just a little less than one month until the big get together
again at Dayton. This year looks to be as good a time as always.  It looks
like we will start off the weekend on Thursday evening in the Bar of the
Dayton Mall Holiday Inn.  There is the DX & Contest Dinner on Friday night.
 Saturday is about the 40th Annual RTTY Dinner. This dinner is so old that
I can't even remember all of the details you have to find an old timer :-)

CQ/DJ WW and WPX plaques are being made and I have it on good authority
from the Contest Manger, W6OTC, Glenn that they indeed will be shipped and
presented to those attending the Friday Night DX & Contest Dinner.  We are
doing things a little bit different this year.  The plaque photo's will be
taken at 6:30 during the pre-dinner function that goes from 6:00 to 7:00.
The photo person will be none other than WV7Y.  If you can't make this
time, not to worry. She will also be available on Friday Night after
Dinner in the RTTY Hospitality Suite. This is the 7th Annual RTTY DX &
Contest dinner.

Plaques will hopefully be presented by Glenn W6OTC. He is signed up for the
Friday Dinner. 

Friday's dinner is looking pretty good and we need to fill out the folks
coming in the next week or so and get the number firmed up for the hotel.
Get those check's in the mail. Our here on the "left" coast it takes a
while to get 'em here :-)

Room's are still available from Dale Sinner.. Be sure and fill out the
form's that are in the RTTY Journal, check on the web site, or drop us an
email.  Dale can be reached at dsinner@rttyjournal.com.    If you want a
room and are not a RTTY guy I think that Dale can still take of you!  Don't
wait until the last minute on the rooms or the dinners. Get that stuff in
the mail.

The Saturday night dinner needs to get a bunch more people to send in there
reservations.  Its important that Joe be able to get a good count on things
as well. Sit down this weekend and firm up those plans to join in the fun
and attend the dinners.

DX let us know you are coming to Dayton and will attend the dinners. We
need to hear from you. I have a list that is growing of all the interesting
people that will be coming. Join KP2N, K5DJ, P43P,  WT4I, SM5FUG, AA5AU,
SM7BHM, SM7SKT, WF1B, and a bunch of others for dinner.  I am looking
forward to hearing a couple of new speakers this year. WA9ALS and his
recent RTTY contest experiences. Tim N4GN and his Dxpediions, and CQWW RTTY
in EA8.

If you might need a ride from Stouffer's to the Dayton Holiday Inn let
someone know on the reflector and we can see if there will be people going
back and forth.  Do we have any JA ham's coming ?

ARRL DXCC Card Checking will be offered on Friday Night in the RTTY
Hospitality suite. You need to do two things:  First is let ME know in
advance if at all possible that you want it. Secondly is to go to the ARRL
Web site and make sure you have the proper forms and fill them out
correctly.  The ARRL will also be checking at the Arena.  We have at least
one additional person besides myself who can be available but we need to
know if there will be enough interest.  The ARRL convention price is in 
effect as this is the Dayton Hamvention. 120 card limit and I can't check
160 or older than 10 years but they can at the arena.

I am also a CQ WAZ Card check point. So let me know if you want any WAZ
Awards checked.

Sorry for the bandwidth on the three reflectors, many are subscribed to
all, but not everyone is on any one reflector.

If you are out and about, stop by the RTTY hospitality suite we'll show you
how to interface that soundcard. Please pass the word along to all who are
interested, if you are new to Dayton and need a special helping hand drop
Dale a note. He is famous for making everyone welcome.

73 Jay WS7I

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