[WriteLog] SPDX RTTY Contest Reminder
Don Hill AA5AU
Thu, 26 Apr 2001 21:47:37 -0500
Just want to remind everyone there is a RTTY contest this weekend.
It's the SPDX RTTY Contest. Official rules at http://www.pkrvg.org/zbior.html
The module for this contest is included in SM6SRW's module package
and can be downloaded from WriteLog's web site among other places.
Thanks to SM6SRW for including it as part of his module package.
Hope to see everyone there! Should be fun. Hope the flare yesterday helps
more than hurts.
73, Don AA5AU
WWW: http://www.writelog.com/
Submissions: writelog@contesting.com
Administrative requests: writelog-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems: owner-writelog@contesting.com