[WriteLog] MMTTY-WL Alt-K workaround

jdahl@cadpoint.se jdahl@cadpoint.se
Wed, 1 Aug 2001 15:03:02 +0100

I'm aware of the Alk-k problem and I'm working on it. There
are also some problems when using the message buffers.

They are all caused by a focus problem at startup and I
havn?t been able to figure out how to fix that yet.

But there is a workaround that can be used at startup until
the problem is solved:

1. Load WL/Rttyrite and MMTTY
2. Left click twice on the MMTTY Control panel title bar.
3. Left click on the WL title bar.

The Alt-k problem should now be gone.....

73 de SM6SRW/Jorgen