[WriteLog] MMTTY-WL Alt-K workaround

WA9ALS - John wa9als@starband.net
Wed, 1 Aug 2001 17:29:24 -0500

> But there is a workaround that can be used at startup until
> the problem is solved:
> 1. Load WL/Rttyrite and MMTTY
> 2. Left click twice on the MMTTY Control panel title bar.
> 3. Left click on the WL title bar.
> The Alt-k problem should now be gone.....

1.  That works perfectly!  Furthermore, I only need to click -once- on the
MMTTY title bar and once on the WL title bar, and it's fixed.  Message
buffers also work perfectly.

2.  Note that this fix has to be done right after WL and MMTTY get started.
If you try alt-k a few times, observe the anomolous behavior, THEN try to
fix it with the "work-around", you're out of luck.  Just close WL, reopen
and perform the 2 clicks!

At least we won't need MOSLO!  HI HI  73