[WriteLog] Alt-K and Xmit Display

FireBrick FireBrick" <w9ol@billnjudy.com
Wed, 1 Aug 2001 10:49:00 -0500

I tried the two clicks on the MMulty control panel and single click on the
other window.
It worked. And then it didn't.
I then closed every thing and rebooted. Tried it again.
The clicking had no effect.
The alt K did not work properly.
Clicked some more and then it worked again.
I'm not sure the workaround works or it's just coincidence that after all
that clicking the alt K started working.

and now....I can't send with the MP in the rtty position. I just hear the
solid tone.
It sends properly in the pkt mode.

And RITTY no longer works from WL.
MMulty works properly standalone.
RITTY works properly standalone.
Witty works properly standalone.
And sometimes when I try switching from the MMulty plugin to the RITTY
plugin or the normal soundboard TNC, WL  will just lock up.
You have to do a ctrl alt delete on the MMulty Control Panel to be able to
close WL.

Because some of these problems, alt K, Rtty mode, are intermittent I can't
really find the exact pattern or settings that cause one or the other

In the MMulty standalone setup. What should the AFC/ATC/PLL tab section on
Shift be set to? The options are Free, Fixed, HAM, FSK.

I've searched the help file and can't seem to find an explanation of this
setup option.

----- Original Message -----
From: "WA9ALS - John" <wa9als@starband.net>
To: "Bill Heinzinger" <w9ol@billnjudy.com>
Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2001 10:16 AM
Subject: Fw: [WriteLog] Alt-K and Xmit Display

> > Jorgen's work-around is easy and works just fine, at least with FSK.
> > try it later today with AFSK on both the 850 and 570DG rigs.  )
> >
> > Jon         K1US
> There you go, Bill - What's your problem??  haw haw
> Must be one of those pesky "spooky" things that acts differently on each
> machine!  Makes it harder for them to fix it too!