[WriteLog] Subscription Options @ contesting.com

Jon Harder jon@praxisworks.org
Thu, 6 Dec 2001 02:27:35 -0000

My apologies for extra bandwidth here.    Thanks to the very many who kindly
took time to tell me that the WL reflector was and is indeed functioning.
Seems my ISP incoming mail server wasn't behaving the way it should for
nearly all of one day, so I saw none of my posts reflected.  Everything is
coming through fine now.

BTW, there was one useful thing learned from all this.  There is a handy
checkbox at the contesting.com website to request an acknowledgement for any
posts made.  It's headed  "Receive acknowledgement mail when you send mail
to the list?"

Now that I've checked YES for all the lists at contesting.com I subscribe
to, I'll never have to ask again if a list is working.   I'll just know my
ISP is acting up again.   Check your incoming mail for the latest monthly
reminder from mailman-owner@contesting.com  to get there and see how you're
set up.  Always something more to learn..... thanks, folks.

Now back to [RTTY] topics.


Jon     K1US