[WriteLog] More Requests for Info

Richard Zalewski w7zr@citlink.net
Mon, 17 Dec 2001 08:36:22 -0700

I wonder if these requests and bug reports ever go beyond the reflector.
Very rarely do we ever hear from the vendor.

I ran SO SSB only in the 10 meter test.  Had the following observations and
would like to know if any one else experienced this.

1.  KL7-  Even after I worked a KL7, every time I entered a KL7 or AL7 in
the entry window, it popped up as a new mult.  When I entered the call it
did not score it as a mult so all is well there.  The multiplier window
showed that the mult had been recorded but still every KL7 was a mult.

2.  I would like to see more info displayed in the packet spot window.  Time
of post, and the misc. info would help.  Right now the only way to get that
is to look at the packet window itself.

Dick W7ZR

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