[WriteLog] 10M Contest - Opportunities for Improvement

GilBaronW0MN gbaron@charter.net
Mon, 17 Dec 2001 22:30:17 -0600

> -----Original Message-----
> From: writelog-admin@contesting.com
> [mailto:writelog-admin@contesting.com]On Behalf Of Marty Tippin
> Sent: Monday, December 17, 2001 20:18
> To: TOMK5RC@aol.com; writelog@contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [WriteLog] 10M Contest - Opportunities for Improvement
> At 06:38 PM 12/17/2001 , TOMK5RC@aol.com wrote:
> >First, entering a call in the entry window should pop up the logical QTH
> >in the QTH field, like VE2 = QC. W6 = CA. When there is no
> logical QTH, it
> >can be blank, unless you have worked the station on the other mode, then
> >it should pop up the QTH or the number given in the first QSO.
> NA handles
> >this quite well.
> WriteLog could probably do better in this area - but so few US hams have
> callsigns related to their call area that it's almost a waste of time. It
> would be useful for the VEs however.

It may not make sense to pick the logical area but it positively ought to
remember the state if you have worked the person before. Anything that can
be remembered from a previous contact should be. That is a thing that a
contest logger ought to do, it is a basic function for the main purpose of a
logger which is to increase the contact rate.

I also think that you should not have to leave the call entry field to get a
dup check. I think you should get the dup check at the earliest possible
moment. If it says dup because the call entry is not complete yet the dup
indication should go away when you complete the entry. To have to do a
positive action (leave the field) to get the dup check is counterproductive.
At the least, that should be an option.

> >Second, using the W9XT card, the Writelog.ini file requires different F
> >key mapping for phone and CW, so I could use all the features on
> one mode
> >or the other. Also, I could only use the repeat CQ feature on
> one mode or
> >the other or have to change settings every time I changed mode.
> Use the sound card and I don't think you'll have that problem. The sound
> card can do everything the W9XT gizmo can and a whole lot more.
> I've got a
> fairly generic sound card and have it set up not only to route my
> microphone audio through it (allowing easy on-the-fly recording of F-key
> messages) but also I have it set up to record the audio from the entire
> contest. Pretty darned nifty, especially when reviewing the audio
> after the
> contest.
> >The band map was also cumbersome changing back and forth between CW and
> >Phone. The band map also showed partial calls entered in the data entry
> >screen. There were lots of JA1 and K2S type entries where the
> entire call
> >was not copied before entering the QTH information.
> Didn't use the bandmap, but I don't recall seeing that "problem" before -
> is there a setting that forces calls on the entry window to go to
> the band
> map *before* you log the QSO?
> >The rate meter would lose the "time on - time off" when I closed the
> >program. The only way I got an accurate time on-off calculation
> was to add
> >up the information from one of the rate reports.
> The time on/off info in the rate window works fine here. I just opened my
> log after a day of being closed and it shows the 1:10 that I spent
> tinkering in the contest. If it's not accurate on your end, make
> sure "Set
> for Automatic Rescoring" is checked in the Contest menu -- each time you
> restart the program, it recalculates the score and on/off times.
> -Marty NW0L
>   martyt@pobox.com
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