[WriteLog] I can't stand it anymore - Pro Writelog Comment

Rick Tyler Rick Tyler" <rp.tyler@worldnet.att.net
Wed, 19 Dec 2001 17:42:38 -0500

>Let's try to
> keep the discussions on the reflector more informative and less
> argumentative.
Hear! Hear!   I'm one of the many who bought Writelog, READ THE HELP FILES,
and went to the K9JY Website to help me set everything correctly.  When
something doesn't work quite right, I usually find that I am at fault.  I've
been getting so tired of the sniping that I've considered giving up the
reflector . . . after all, Writelog works for me and my set up . . . do I
need all of this ? ? ?
I did, however, learn to send mail from unwanted participants directly to my
trash bin, and then other folks turn around and QUOTE him, er . . . them.

Reminds me of a bicycle guru a few years ago when everyone was having a
heated discussion of chain stay angles . . . he said to stop bs-ing about
chain stay angles and go out and ride your bicycle.

So, let's stop bs-ing about writelog and go out and operate.

Ham Radio . . . it's a HOBBY and it's supposed to be fun.

73 de Rick, WQ8Q